
Dental Treatment

Teeth Whitening, Part II | Causes of Discoloration

Mar 3 • 2 minute read

As you probably know, over time our teeth can become yellow and “dull”

This can be due to our:

  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Consumption of staining substances (colored foods that seep into the tooth’s pores or foods of high acidity that have the ability to erode tooth enamel).

As we said in our last article, molecules that ‘stain’ reflect more light. The more molecules that enter your tooth that reflect light make your teeth appear discolored... thus, the more light reflected, the darker the tooth appears. The more translucent, the whiter the tooth appears. Got it?

The usual suspects that cause teeth discoloration/cover up translucency are:

  • Wine (red and white), tea, coffee, colored drinks (soda, juices and sports drinks)

  • Frequent snacking on foods with natural or added coloring

  • Dark-colored acidic sauces (tomato based products)

  • Berries

  • Chocolate

  • Smoking

  • Medications

  • Enamel wear

  • A dying tooth

Of all the common habits that can spoil the effects of teeth whitening, we believe that snacking is one of the most damaging for people have when it comes to darkening the shade of their teeth. Regardless of the type of snack, all food contains natural or added coloring, which works to color the teeth. Few people think it is necessary to brush their teeth, or at least rinse, after a snack, and this is what causes discoloration.

Our teeth will constantly be in contact with the harmful kinds of substances since we all need to eat. All foods have a pH level. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the substance and the more likely it is to adversely affect one's teeth. So, do your best to keep your teeth in a neutral environment (i.e. Don’t suck on colored lollipops all day. Don’t babysit your coffee, ‘down it’ or take an espresso shot instead!)

Steps to help prevent discoloration:

  1. Rinse with water after eating, then floss.
  2. Then, brush 30 minutes or so after eating. (But, don’t brush too soon after eating or you’ll be brushing away your enamel!)

This is a great combination of habits to prevent staining! By doing so any excessive bacterial acid or food sources will be washed away before it impacts the enamel. 

We like to remind our patients that: what one eats and oral hygiene play a pivotal role in how long the teeth whitening remains effective.

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